Science for the Culture

I Ain't Got No Type: Recycling Rules

Episode Summary

Recyclable is the only plastic that I like! Did y’all know the triangle on the bottom of plastic containers doesn’t mean “recyclable”?! If you answered no, this episode is about to blow your mind! We'll put your recycling knowledge to the test and make a case as to why you need to ditch those 50-11 half drunk water bottles and opt for a reusable one instead.

Episode Notes

Y'all have seen those commercials with ducks caught in soda can plastic pack rings and turtles with plastic straws in the nose. Yikes in an understatement. It’s so important that we all do our part & take care of the Earth and its creatures in whatever ways we can. Black folks have been playing a part upcycling Country Crock containers, Butter Cookie tins, and Crown Royal bags for decades, but how is our recycling game? In this episode, your favorite melanated PhDs, Drs. Devyn, Nyote, and Alicia, tackle the topic of recycling - what is it, how it got started, why we should care, and how to do it. Did you know you're probably using your grandma's tin foil? Well, kinda. We'll discuss how all plastics are not created equal, why glass and aluminum foil need space in your recycling routine, and why reusing your disposable water bottle is creating your very own Petri dish. After listening to this episode, don’t be surprised if you start side eyeing your coworkers who don’t recycle or switching to more glass and using less plastic!

Want to know more about the stylist upcycling luxury threads? Check out Kellie Ford on Instagram @fly4i to see her create custom pieces.

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