Science for the Culture

Backy with the COVID Vacky

Episode Summary

SEASON 2 IS HERE! And of course... we had to talk all about the ‘Rona vaccine (aka the Fauci Ouchie). Listen while the hosts unpack the science and controversy behind this vaccine. We're diving deep into mRNA, how it works, the ingredients used in both mRNA-based vaccines, and how your Fauci Ouchie was made available in record timing. We tryna be outside all 2021 and that's on Mary had a little lamb! (NOTE: This episode was recorded weeks in advance. Unfortunately, global and national COVID death estimates mentioned in this episode are now higher that initially reported and are no longer accurate).

Episode Notes

It’s no secret that the coronavirus pandemic has turned the whole world on its head. We can’t go anywhere without wearing a mask and observing social distancing. Good news, though - we are finally at the point where vaccines are available! This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! We should be excited! ...Right?! In this episode, Drs. Devyn, Nyote, and Alicia dive deep into the science behind these vaccines, what's in them (spoiler alert: there isn't a microchip to track your whereabouts- your phone does that just fine), why the vaccines were able to be developed so quickly, and why you may want to think twice before refusing to get it. 

This episode is ripe with tons of info you can use to make an informed vaccination decision, but please do so in conjunction with the expertise of your physician. We are laying out the science, but we are not medical doctors. Please note that the choice to vaccinate is yours and should be done in consultation with a licensed medical professional. 

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